Wafah Dufour Bin Ladin
From the files of the ever-more-ridiculous "American" present:
"Her story will bridge the gap that people feel exists between the cultures she has lived in," ReganMedia President Judith Regan said.
"She is also a young woman who falls in love, has her heart broken, worries about her looks, doesn't always listen to her mother, and hasn't spoken to her father in years," Regan said.
Um, is this what we believe typifies the American experience? Even scarier, is this what *really* typifies the American female experience? God knows, there are better people to ask than me.
But even so, it's disturbing to think that using one's infamous last name in order to be able to a score a Rolling Stone photo shoot in which one poses in a bubble bath wearing only a necklace constitutes "bridging the gap" between cultures. In such a context, one is forced to question whether culture even exists in any meaningful way on either side being "bridged" here.
PS. I'm not saying I wouldn't do her.